Welcoming new team members virtually
I started at Delve on the first of November 2021, although it has only been a few months, I already feel like I have learnt so much.
Working with a team of brilliant leaders has given me an insight into many different areas of the business. My main role has been to support our leadership coaching sessions and work with a wide range of clients.
While facilitating and supporting leadership programmes is a big chunk of my role, I also have had the opportunity to design proposals for different clients, organise our social media strategy and support the re-design of our website. There is always a wide variety of tasks that I can take up and I have thoroughly enjoyed the fact that each day is different from the last.
Location: online vs offline
Initially, I worked from home. It can be strange to start a new job while working virtually, but the Delvers were so warm and thoughtful. They went above and beyond to make me feel welcome and included and I was eager to get to know everyone. We used the Gallup Strength Finder to deepen our understanding of ourselves and each other which helps us work more efficiently as a team.
Based on my experience, I’d like to share 3 tips to make sure that your virtual employee induction is successful and inclusive:
- Making time to set expectations
During my first week at Delve, we had team meetings to introduce and get to know each other. The Delvers introduced the company, told me about the various clients we work with and the different areas of work I would be involved in. This was a great way for me to speak to everyone, ask questions and raise concerns.
I especially like how the founders would talk about Delve in terms of our purpose and why we exist. It helped me to quickly connect the dots between my contributions and what we were working to achieve as an organisation overall. This made each task that I was assigned more meaningful.
I also had 1-1 meetings with each member of the team which was a great way to connect with each team member individually, as well as an opportunity for them to provide me with the training that was needed. I was able to learn whom to go to for what and it also gave me an insight into the different areas of the business.
Another key factor was that each meeting was no more than 1-1.5 hours. Having this optimal meeting length ensured that I wasn’t fatigued or staring at a screen for too long.
The Delvers also set aside 3-4 weeks for me to thoroughly immerse myself in learning and understand the company better. Shadowing sessions not only gave me the time that was needed to expand my knowledge but to also observe how the Delvers interacted with the clients and other subtle cues that make up our great work culture.
- Fika time
Fika is a concept that comes from the Swedish work culture. It is an essential part of the day where employees make the time to share a hot beverage and pastry, and to reconnect and bond.
While working virtually, it can be so easy to jump on a call and dive straight into work. We often do not prioritise non-work conversations. This can further alienate a new employee.
At Delve, I thoroughly enjoyed our Fika time. The delvers regularly set a date in our calendars and even make sure to order treats that are sent to my home! We play games like ‘’Would you rather’’ and have a laugh! It is so engaging and makes me feel included in the team even though we have never met in person before.
- Support with getting set up
Something that really helped me get into the rhythm of work at a new company quickly was having support with IT. The Delvers made sure that my new computer, mouse, stationary etc was sent to me ahead of my start date. Having all the tools and resources I needed definitely made me less anxious on my first day.
Then, IT support from our partner company was available to help me download all the software, materials, files as well as set up relevant applications.
Now, I go into the office for a few hours twice a week. Our office is no ordinary office. It is an iconic landmark that was built in 1870. This incredible structure was originally a swimming baths that has been persevered and reinvented. So, you will find us in an incredible new timber structure built at the heart of the building’s original walls.
If I had to choose one thing that I enjoy the most about my job, it has to be the work culture. Our team is clear on why we exist, to ensure that work environments are places where people can thrive. The energy that we bring to every session reflects this passion.
As a recent graduate, I am extremely grateful to have this experience in such a fantastic organisational development firm such as Delve. It has been a hands-on opportunity to develop new skills, expand my knowledge and meet amazing people. The Delver’s energy and passion is extremely contagious, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!
It is a very different experience starting a new job in the virtual world If you’ve got new members of the team joining virtually, think about the best way to include them and get them off to a great start.